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Pavadas un kakla siksnas

Kaķu un suņu siksnas, kas piemērotas dažādām situācijam - pastaigām, treniņiem un apmācībām. Kaķu un suņu pavadas nodrošina drošību apkārtējiem, kā arī pašam mājdzīvniekam, un dzīvnieka vieglāku kontroli ārpus mājām. Klasiskās siksnas izgatavotas no ādas, neilona vai sintētiskajiem materiāliem. Standarta pavadas piemērotas ikdienas pastaigām. Rullējamas pavadas nodrošina iespēju pārvietoties lielākā amplitūdā. 

Attēls Produkta nosaukums Cena Produkta kods Noliktavā Daudzums
Waudog Dog collar made of natural leather and recycled material with QR code Waudog size M, width 20 mm, brown Waudog Dog collar made of natural leather and recycled material with QR code Waudog size M, width 20 mm, brown 10.37€ 58926
3-4 dienas
Waudog Dog collar made of natural leather and recycled material with QR code Waudog size L, width 25 mm, brown Waudog Dog collar made of natural leather and recycled material with QR code Waudog size L, width 25 mm, brown 10.38€ 58936
3-4 dienas
Waudog Dog collar made of natural leather and recycled material with QR code Waudog size S, width 15 mm, black Waudog Dog collar made of natural leather and recycled material with QR code Waudog size S, width 15 mm, black 8.92€ 58901
3-4 dienas
Waudog Dog collar made of natural leather and recycled material with QR code Waudog size M, width 20 mm, black Waudog Dog collar made of natural leather and recycled material with QR code Waudog size M, width 20 mm, black 10.45€ 58921
3-4 dienas
Waudog Dog collar made of natural leather and recycled material with QR code Waudog size L, width 25 mm, black Waudog Dog collar made of natural leather and recycled material with QR code Waudog size L, width 25 mm, black 13.00€ 58931
3-4 dienas
Waudog natural leather dog leash 20 mm wide, 122 cm long Black Waudog natural leather dog leash 20 mm wide, 122 cm long Black 18.70€ 08141
3-4 dienas
Waudog natural leather dog leash 20 mm wide, 122 cm long brown Waudog natural leather dog leash 20 mm wide, 122 cm long brown 18.83€ 08146
3-4 dienas
Waudog natural leather dog leash 14 mm wide, 122 cm long brown Waudog natural leather dog leash 14 mm wide, 122 cm long brown 15.81€ 08136
3-4 dienas
Waudog gradient nylon dog leash, 15mm wide, 122cm long, blue Waudog gradient nylon dog leash, 15mm wide, 122cm long, blue 9.87€ 46622
3-4 dienas
Waudog gradient nylon dog leash, 15mm wide, 122cm long, orange Waudog gradient nylon dog leash, 15mm wide, 122cm long, orange 9.87€ 46624
3-4 dienas
Waudog Dog collar made of natural leather and recycled material with QR code Waudog size S, width 15 mm, brown Waudog Dog collar made of natural leather and recycled material with QR code Waudog size S, width 15 mm, brown 8.92€ 58906
3-4 dienas
Waudog Nylon dog collar with QR code WAUDOG 15 mm wide, 25-35 cm long purple Waudog Nylon dog collar with QR code WAUDOG 15 mm wide, 25-35 cm long purple 11.08€ 46529
3-4 dienas
Rojeco Dog Automatic Leash LED 5 m (white and orange) Rojeco Dog Automatic Leash LED 5 m (white and orange) 14.61€ RQYS-04 ORANGE
3-4 dienas
Waudog waterproof luminescent dog leash 25mm wide, 183 cm long turquoise Waudog waterproof luminescent dog leash 25mm wide, 183 cm long turquoise 18.43€ 4201000090-2
3-4 dienas
Waudog waterproof dog leash 20mm wide, 183 cm long blue Waudog waterproof dog leash 20mm wide, 183 cm long blue 15.12€ 4201000090-1
3-4 dienas
Waudog Waterproof glowing dog collar with QR passport WAUDOG 40 mm wide, 46-70 cm long Waudog Waterproof glowing dog collar with QR passport WAUDOG 40 mm wide, 46-70 cm long 11.37€ 4201000090
3-4 dienas
Waudog Nylon dog collar with QR code WAUDOG 15 mm wide, 25-35 cm long orange Waudog Nylon dog collar with QR code WAUDOG 15 mm wide, 25-35 cm long orange 11.08€ 46524
3-4 dienas
Waudog Nylon dog collar with QR code WAUDOG 15 mm wide, 25-35 cm long blue Waudog Nylon dog collar with QR code WAUDOG 15 mm wide, 25-35 cm long blue 11.08€ 46522
3-4 dienas
Waudog nylon dog leash 20 mm wide, 122 cm long Waudog nylon dog leash 20 mm wide, 122 cm long "fig" 8.97€ 4201000090-3
3-4 dienas
Rojeco 5m LED automatic leash (purple) Rojeco 5m LED automatic leash (purple) 17.15€ RQYS-04 PURP
3-4 dienas